Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3 Tips for improving your Power Tennis Serve

Do you want to add power to your power tennis serve? One key to serving with immense power will be to transfer all the energy from your body in to the racket head and through the ball. Here are the top three things to start with to get the most out of your serve.  
1.       Hold the ball with your fingertips – Some players hold the ball in the palm of the hand which can impede consistency. The fingertips naturally have more touch and feel for the ball and will allow for the best possible angle during the toss. The ball toss should follow a straight path from the hand to the point of contact. (More on that in the next post).  
2.       Ball toss- Do not throw the ball toss too low. You will need to give yourself the best advantage to hit the ball with the full range of motion possible. If you throw the ball toss to low, it will essentially jam the ball into your body and not allow you extend and rotate threw the ball.
3.       Eye on the ball – Although keeping your eye on the ball is not just for the serve, it is one of the most common mistakes players make during the serve. You must watch the ball leave your hand during the toss, watch the progress of the ball in flight, and watch the racket make contact with the ball.  The serve box and the net are fixed objects and will still be there in the same place after you have completed the service motion. Adding in this factor, reiterates the importance of not taking your eye off the ball during the serve.
Stay tuned for more articles and helpful tips from Serve Faster, Play Better.