Saturday, March 12, 2011

How to Become Match Tough

What is Match Toughness? Match toughness is best described as being able to win matches through experience and confidence. For instance, if two tennis players are relatively equal in skills before the match, most matches will come down to a few key points during the match.
The first step to becoming match tough is recognizing when the points occur.  These points do not necessarily have to transpire during a tiebreaker. They can happen at any point during the match when momentum switches from one player to another.
 The second step is being mentally prepared when the time comes. I am sure everybody has seen a child while practicing a sport, placing themselves in the game deciding or winning scenario. “It’s the bottom of the 9th inning with the bases loaded with 2 outs” is the common baseball scenario. While on the practice court, place yourself in different serving scenarios of the tennis match.  For example, you are serving to close out the first set up 5-4 with a 15-30 score. Obliviously, you would need three great serves in a row to complete the scenario to win the first set. By utilizing your new “Monster Serve”  in this scenario, your confidence grows and you also become Match Tough.
 When you win critical points, it applies pressure to your opponent. Being able to win these key points during the match is essential. Having a strong, powerful, and fast serve can definitely add to your ability to win these critical points in match. Stay tuned for more helpful tennis serving tips at Serve Faster, Play Better.     

How to Deliver a Powerful Tennis Serve

There are three components to consider when learning to deliver a powerful tennis serve. The three components are the pre-serve routine, the serving motion, and the follow through. In this article, I will discuss all three stages which are imperative to master if you want to add power to your tennis serve.   
The pre-serve routine is all the actions one takes before the toss. During the pre-serve routine is when you take the time to calm your nerves.  Keep your entire body loose and do not hold your breath. Make sure you exhale before the toss. Clear your mind of all distractions and visualize your serving motion. As you probably have noticed, professional tennis players help themselves get in a rhythm by using the same routine before the serve. The routine will help you stay focused an add consistency to your power tennis serve.  Never rush your routine due to pressure from your opponent. The server always set the pace of the match. When on the practice court, you should practice your entire service motion to include your pre-serve routine.
The service motion includes the stance, toss, and the jump with rotation of the hips. The stance should allow for maximum rotation of hips to add power. Using the power from your legs will help with the jump, and will also assist in opening up the angle of the court for more accurate shot placement. Do not grip the racket too tight during the serve. Your grip on the racket should be firm but not too tight.
The follow through is also very important for consistency. Keep your eyes on the ball during the entire serve especially during the follow through. A proper follow through will place you in a better position for the return of service. Remember, you should be using your serve to gain the advantage of the point.
Please visit “The Monster Serve” for more articles and check out our eBook series entitled “The Monster Serve System”.  Serve Faster, and Play Better.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Do Balls Matter?

The more specific question to which I have been asked is, "Does temperature effect the speed of a tennis ball"? The short answer is yes. I have included a link that explains the amount of air pressure inside tennis balls and how they are affected by hot and cold. 
Read more:
Since temperature does affect the performance of the tennis ball; what are some things to remember on the way to the court so that you can get the most out of your power tennis serve? First, always try and be prepared and purchase your tennis balls before the match to ensure they have a chance to reach and stay at room temperature. Secondly, do not leave your tennis balls in the trunk of your car. If you play early in the morning, they will be cold. Lastly, I have placed my tennis balls in the back window of my car on the way to the match to warm them up by the sun. Remember; if you want “The Monster Serve” deploy all tactics necessary to gain an advantage. By taking the time to ensure the tennis balls are at the best possible temperature to bounce the highest, you will allow your power tennis serve to get off to a good start also.