Saturday, March 12, 2011

How to Become Match Tough

What is Match Toughness? Match toughness is best described as being able to win matches through experience and confidence. For instance, if two tennis players are relatively equal in skills before the match, most matches will come down to a few key points during the match.
The first step to becoming match tough is recognizing when the points occur.  These points do not necessarily have to transpire during a tiebreaker. They can happen at any point during the match when momentum switches from one player to another.
 The second step is being mentally prepared when the time comes. I am sure everybody has seen a child while practicing a sport, placing themselves in the game deciding or winning scenario. “It’s the bottom of the 9th inning with the bases loaded with 2 outs” is the common baseball scenario. While on the practice court, place yourself in different serving scenarios of the tennis match.  For example, you are serving to close out the first set up 5-4 with a 15-30 score. Obliviously, you would need three great serves in a row to complete the scenario to win the first set. By utilizing your new “Monster Serve”  in this scenario, your confidence grows and you also become Match Tough.
 When you win critical points, it applies pressure to your opponent. Being able to win these key points during the match is essential. Having a strong, powerful, and fast serve can definitely add to your ability to win these critical points in match. Stay tuned for more helpful tennis serving tips at Serve Faster, Play Better.